
Salt and Charcoal toothpaste???

We got a wonderful gift from one of our patients who recently returned from Thailand. It''s a toothpaste made with Salt and Charcoal. None of us had ever heard of this being a real thing in the modern world, so we just had to give it a try.

Salt and charcoal toothpaste 1
Salt and Charcoal toothpaste from Thailand
Salt and charcoal toothpaste 2
Brittany was adventurous enough to volunteer for our taste test.
Salt and charcoal toothpaste 3
Careful and delicate application.
Salt and charcoal toothpaste 5
Thankfully, our volunteer was still willing to give this stuff a chance.
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The moment of truth!
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At this point, Brittany was not very happy anymore.
Salt and charcoal toothpaste 8
It doesn''t look like this flavor is going to make it big in the West.
Salt and charcoal toothpaste 9
This called for an immediate rinse!

Well, maybe this particular flavor isn''t going to make into the to-go bags our office gives out, but it was a fantastic and kind gift even still.