
Adventures In Oregon!

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We are so proud to be sponsoring this year's Children’s 4th Grade Concert!

The "Adventures in Oregon" concert will be held on Tuesday November 10th at 1pm at the LaSells Stewart Center. Every year, the Corvallis Community Band and the Willamette Apprentice Ballet collaborate to present a program geared specifically toward fourth graders from the Corvallis and surrounding school districts.

The concert will include the study of the Oregon Trail and Western expansion, as well as studies of the solar system. The Corvallis Community Band will play music pertaining to these studies, such as “The Oregon Trail March” and a movement of Holst’s “The Planets.”

The Willamette Apprentice Ballet will perform dances inspired by the history of the Oregon Trail, assimilating traditional American square dance steps and figures into classical ballet choreography. The children are encouraged to participate with the band and dancers through a combined number that requires singing as well as movement.

Here's to another great year!

--Dr. Tom Laster the the Team